Baxterbear at RAF Search & Rescue Leconfield

Baxterbear was TREEKLED to visit RAF Leconfield Search & Rescue Friday 12th October and met Squadron Leader Stuart Gwinnutt Officer Commanding E Flight 202 Squadron. DST Leconfield, Normandy Barracks, Leconfield, Beverley.On arrival we met the crew of Search & Rescue : Captain: Flt Lt Paul Tweddle, Co Pilot: Flt Lt Graham Stewart,Winch Operator: Flt Lt Adrian Cooper and Winchman: FS Rob Chambers.We went into the crew room and I was able to let them know about my flying adventures – the first being UNDER the Forth Rail Bridge many, many years ago.I had my Walkers Shortbread with me (NB to Daisy Tate must bring more next time as there was not enough for anyone else so I saved mine) as everyone eata chocolate cake! While having tea listening to wonderful stories, I thought back to my past visits to York. I have been to York several times before to help Rotary END POLIO NOW and with the Coldstream Guards on there epic march in January 2010. I like Yorkshire.After warming up, we were shown around the workshop and Baxterbear was off to make a difference. He helped clean the helicopters windows. I found out that all RAF Seakings are yellow. I was TREEKLED to see a Mallard duck on the side of the helicopter, being the Squadrons Badge, when ever they change helicopters or aircraft the Mallard Duck comes too. The Mallard Duck, like the Squadron, is land and sea worthy.This was approved by King George Vl in Dec 1937.Later that day an email arrived to [email protected] saying:
‘Baxterbear definitely brightened the place up around the Search and Rescue Flight today. He certainly seemed at home on the helicopter – In fact, due to a shortage of winchmen, we are considering recruiting him to help out!! On a serious note – Baxterbear represents many charities and we are always more than happy to support his excellent work.’