Earlier in the year Baxterbear was delighted to support Edinburgh Headway.
The Edinburgh & Lothians HIID is a free one-day event for people affected by all types of acquired brain injury and head injury, their families and carers as well as professionals working in the field. Please pass on the message to anyone who would benefit from this great event.
You can find more info at: http://www.hiid.org.uk/site/news-events/all
09.00 am Event registration opens Exhibits open throughout the day
10.00 am Welcome
Chris Stewart, Partner, Digby Brown Solicitors
10.10 am -10.20 am Performance by Edinburgh Headway Group Music Group
10.30 am Presentations begin
12.45 pm Lunch & Exhibits
1.45 pm Presentations continue
3.30 pm Event closes
10.30 am Video Presentation from Edinburgh Headway
Michelle Keenan, Chief Executive Officer, Edinburgh Headway Group
Day Service Support
Lynne Atkinson, Support Services Manager, Edinburgh Headway Group
Brain Injury Carers Project
Fiona Robertson, Carers Co-ordinator, Edinburgh Headway Group
11.00 am The Rehabilitation Code in Practice – A Survivor’s Story
Chris Stewart, Partner, Digby Brown Solicitors & Scott Sutherland
11.30 am Comfort break
11.45 am Concussion, CTE and dementia
Alan Carson, Consultant & Reader in Neuropsychiatry,
NHS Lothian and University of Edinburgh
12.15 pm Relationships after Acquired Brain Injury
Anna Watkiss, National Clinical Co-ordinator, Tania Brown Ltd
12.45 pm Lunch & Exhibits
1.45 pm Brain Injury and the Criminal Justice System in Scotland
Professor Tom McMillan, Professor of Clinical Neuropsychology,
University of Glasgow
2.15 pm The Justice Project
Alastair White, Network Support Manager, Headway –
The Brain Injury Association
2.30 pm Comfort break
2.45 pm Visual Processing Problems
Ian Jordan, Specialist Optician, Jordans Multisensory Optical Practice
3.15 pm End of presentations